How to Reduce Commercial Cleaning Costs in Adelaide?

A clean environment has a lot of health benefits in the body. Physicians have noted that tidy and clean interiors complement the psychological and emotional aspects of a person which translate to more efficient work output.

Most commercial cleaning companies in Adelaide take advantage of the office cleaning benefits hence they increase the cost of their cleaning services. This has led to many people be tempted to reduce costs for commercial cleaning services Adelaide by reducing the level of office cleaning services; That only outcome to poor economic prospects in the long run.

This article will give you the tips on how you can reduce the cost of commercial cleaning Adelaide in various interiors without jeopardizing the level of cleanliness in your office.


Suggest to your employees to use sanitizing wipes to clean the keyboard, computer and the mouse. This will reduce the time your cleaning staff will spend cleaning these personal areas.

The kitchen

You can heat up a new sponge before using it to clean. Microwaving the sponge for 30 seconds will kill 99% of the germs. You can urge your cleaning staff to have hot water readily available to make sure the cleaning is effective and swift. Also, rather than using a bleach (should be solely used in the bathrooms), you can ask your cleaning staff to use diluted disinfectant instead.

The entry hall

This section where clients and visitors consistently come into the office or building are highly prone to be infected by foreign germs and bacteria. It is tough to predict the kind of germs that settle in the entry hall, and for that, you must employ carpet cleaning powder agents while you are vacuuming the whole area.

Counter-tops and the Floors

Educate your cleaning stuff on which stains can be removed with which cleaning agent. This will reduce both time and cost. More, confusing one cleaning agent to remove the wrong stain can make it worse.

Looking for the influential ways to save money on commercial cleaning services in Adelaide? Call Sunshine Eco Cleaning Services at 1300 356 397 and convey your needs. Let’s provide you a cost-effective cleaning solution!