Know These Uncleaned Spots At Home

House cleaning is a tedious process. When it comes to a regular house cleaning routine, certain areas go unnoticed while cleaning. Also, you won’t even realise until the dust gets accumulated and becomes hard. If you want to maintain a clean environment, this blog is intended to provide you that. Here are the few spots that get overlooked. So, let’s take a look. You can simply, hire a professional house cleaning sunshine coast company for all your house cleaning needs!

Bookshelves & Cots

This area invites dust and people normally stock huge piles of paper, books, and decor items, pens, and whatnot. As a result, it gets cluttered. If space is cluttered, dust appears to accumulate faster. So make sure to take off the clutter from the bookshelves and arrange them neatly. Also, dust and clean them regularly. Add this spot into your regular cleaning schedule and wipe it off with a soft microfiber cloth. Also, how often you sweep or dust the surface under your cot? You should always dust and sweep the surface under your bed as well.


Do you clean your refrigerator regularly? Well, some of you won’t even consider it for cleaning. However, it is where the dust and dirt pile up. So ensure to clean the top and inside of your refrigerator regularly. If you clean them often, your fridge will smell good. On the other hand, refrigerator coils get dusty too. If you can’t clean them on your own, hire a refrigerator cleaning service to help you out.

Lights & Fans

Most people won’t even know that they should clean their light fixtures and ceiling fans often. As a result, a huge amount of dust gets collected on them and spreads all over the room. So, add these spots to your schedule and clean them just like your house cleaning routine. Moreover, when you clean them regularly, there won’t be time for the dust to get thicken or hard.

To prevent your house from dust and dirt, you should follow a regular house cleaning and dusting routine, so that you can keep your home spotless and flawless.

But, if you are running on a busy schedule, leave the house cleaning job to our expert house cleaners sunshine coast from Sunshine Eco Cleaning Services. We will tidy up the place for you and keep your house in a pristine condition. For appointments, call 1300 356 397 today.