6 Factors To Consider When Looking For A House Cleaning Company

Keeping your home clean and tidy is a never-ending chore that takes up much of your time. This is why you are supposed to look for the best house cleaning services that will help ensuring the utmost cleanliness of your home. If you have decided to look for a house cleaning sunshine coast company, make sure that you consider the following factors before getting into an agreement with one of them.

1. Experience:

The first quality to look for when choosing a house cleaning company is its experience. You want to hire a company that understands what they are doing. So, when you start your research, spare time to find out the experience of the company and how long they have been in the business.

2. Promptness:

Another factor that should be given consideration is the promptness. No one prefers following up a service provider with a hundred calls. Also, if you have scheduled a specific time, the company should honour it and complete the job within the stipulated timeframe.

3. Professionalism:

To find out the professionalism of a house cleaning services, you can talk to their previous customers. The professionalism represents how well they perform the job. Remember that the cleaning is one of the toughest jobs and should not be entrusted to those with a careless attitude.

4. Licensed, Insured And Bonded:

It is always safe to work with a company that employs insured and bonded house cleaners sunshine coast. In the event of any mishaps such as breakage, theft or accident, the company will take responsibility. If you fail to choose the company that is bonded or insured, you will be responsible for the same.

5. Equipment:

Who will be providing the cleaning solution and equipment? This is another important factor that should be checked with the house cleaning sunshine coast company. Some companies will bring their own cleaning equipment, while others expect the homeowners to supply the same. Finding out about this beforehand helps you avoid last minute confusion. s

6. Price:

The price is the last but the most important thing among other factors to consider. Choosing a company that fits your budget is imperative. Some companies will charge you per square area, while others charge for the entire job. Determine which one seems to be cost-effective for you so that you can save on unnecessary expenses.

Tired of looking for the best house cleaners in Adelaide, Brisbane or Sydney? Not to worry! Sunshine Eco Cleaning Services provides professional house cleaning services at affordable prices. For details, call 1300 356 397 and speak to us now!

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10 Fun Cleaning Facts – Did You Know?

Cleaning might seem like an ordinary chore but a look at some facts about cleaning shows that there is nothing ordinary about cleaning. Here are 10 interesting facts that you might not know concerning cleaning.

  1. Women seem to love cleaning more than men. Studies show that on average, a woman spend 12,896 hours of her life cleaning which is twice as much time as a man spends in his lifetimes (about 6,448 hours).
  2. Cleaning is a great way of losing those excess pounds. Experts claim that cleaning for two hours burns 200 calories.
  3. Do you know how many people die each year globally due to lack of proper hygiene? More than 2.4 million people, which is equivalent to over 4% of all deaths.
  4. Chewing gum is great and all, but it becomes a nightmare when it gets stuck on fabrics. But removing stuck chewing gum on fabrics is as easy as placing an old newspaper on it and giving it a quick iron.
  5. Dust particles are predominantly made of dead skin. Not only is this unnerving, but it is also unhealthy since dust is a common allergy trigger. Carpets are laden with these dust particles, so you should regularly do carpet cleaning.
  6. Want to know another allergy trigger? Dust mites. And you don’t need to look far for them. Mattresses and pillows are their favorite habitat, with mattresses harboring as much as 10 million creepy individuals.
  7. Bananas are the great source of sulfur and a must-have when making smoothies. But did you know that bananas make an excellent alternative for shoe polish for leather shoes?
  8. Think the toilet bowl is dirty? Research shows that kitchen sinks are actually dirtier than toilets. So, if you don’t thoroughly clean your kitchen sink, you might as well use the toilet bowl when doing your dishes.
  9. Iceland can be the perfect destination for germophobes if the country’s reputation on cleanliness anything is to go by. Iceland is regarded as the world’s cleanest country.
  10. Indoor activities make up an estimated 87% of the time spent by the average human, which is why keeping your indoors clean is of paramount importance.

Bet you had your mind blown by some of these interesting facts. Now get up and do some house cleaning or office cleaning.

Seven Secret House Cleaning Tips from the Pros

It takes forever to clean your entire house. For this reason, should you call a professional cleaning company to do the work on your behalf. A house cleaning services brisbane company is ideal when you are short on time and have some extra money to spare.

Below are some of the secret cleaning tips:

1. Eliminate soap scum with ease

Instead of scrubbing off the soap scum with a sponge, use a knife. It will take lesser time. To avoid any soap scum from bar soaps in the future, switch to liquid soaps and shower gels while house cleaning.

2. Dust the house quickly

Use a feather duster in this case as it saves time. As much as cloths remove dust, they take up too much of your cleaning time. Feather dusters are most suitable for cleaning wall hangings and blinds. However, if there is too much dust in the room, consider using a vacuum or a cloth.

3. Purchase stainless steel objects for your kitchen

Stainless steel has remained timeless and still looks beautiful. It is staining resistant and does not show fingerprints or spots. It is also easy to clean as you simply need to wipe it with a cloth that has a few drops of mineral oil. Sinks and countertops are the best places to cover up with stainless steel.

4. Eliminate foul smells in the kitchen

Simply put orange peels or lemon in the drain. Turn on the disposal for a few seconds and drop ice cubes. Flush out a good amount of water from your sinks and your home will be smelling fresh.

5. Dry your windows using newspaper

This will help to avoid streaks on the glass. A squeegee will help to dry out the large windows effectively and reach all the edges.

6. Vacuum

Use the central outlet in your home when vacuuming the carpeted areas. It will cut down on time spent re-plugging your vacuum cleaner while domestic cleaning.

7. Use magic erasers

This can be used in cleaning floors, ceilings, and any other surface. They get rid of all stains and stubborn marks. They will help save half the time you spend on cleaning.

Call Sunshine Eco Cleaning Services on 1300 356 397 for professional house cleaning services.

Best House Cleaning Guidelines To Keep your House Clean and Tidy

Sunshine Eco Cleaning Services highly recommends to the house owners to follow the following cleaning guidelines to keep the house clean and tidy.

House Cleaning Services in Sunshine Coast, Brisbane, Sydney and Adelaide

  1. Placing the door mats on the door

You need to place a door mat on the door so it will reduce the dirt. These door mats helps to reduce the filth carried into the property.

  1. Keep cleaning every decor of your property

You must need to arrange of all belongings in the house. You should ensure the house is always neat and clean.

  1. Cleaning the hard and carpeted floors

It is highly recommended that you eliminate dirt by using a vacuum cleaner on the carpeted and hard floors. Then, you need to do a mop of the hard floors. While mopping the floor, you should make sure that the water is changed when it gets filthy. Too much filthy water could make the floor silky and dull rather than clean.

  1. Cleaning the toilet and bathroom using lemon oil

You can use lemon oil touch on the bathroom tiles and toilet so it makes them shine and prevents mildew and moulds from growing and making the surface look unattended or filthy.

  1. Keeping the cleaning supplies properly

You should keep your cleaning solutions in convenient locations.

  1. Cleaning the fridge and storage

Cleaning the fridge is a different way of making the house look great and smell wonderful. A filthy fridge gives the house a bad odour once it is opened. You need to use water and baking soda to clean the fridge as it helps to prevent bad smelling. You should keep your storage neat and tidy.

House Cleaners in Sunshine Coast

Follow these tips or you can use Sunshine Eco Cleaning Service’s Cleaning Crews in Sunshine Coast, Brisbane, Sydney and Adelaide. To make sure your property is perfectly cleaned, do contact us at 1300 356 397.

Regular House Cleaning Services In Sunshine Coast

Sunshine Eco Cleaning Services is one of the leading domestic and house cleaning companies that supply only highly motivated and qualified cleaners to provide premier weekly and fortnightly cleaning services throughout Sunshine Coast. We provide high-quality cleaning services to all Sunshine Coast homeowners, tenants, and estate agents. Whether you need a regular domestic house cleaning, one-off house cleaning, bond cleaning, builders cleaning, emergency house cleaning or you have just bought a home and would like to know it is spotless before you move in, we can help with all that. We have learned to take have the advantage of both mechanics and chemistry industry progress by supplying our cleaners with the most advanced cleaning technologies and the latest top range of eco-friendly and biodegradable cleaning products.

Why arrange the Regular House Cleaners of Sunshine Eco Cleaning Services?

Our regular house and domestic cleaning services are carried out by our professional, police checked, and insured cleaners. For your peace of mind, our all cleaners have been checked and vetted. They are trained and motivated to the highest possible standards to meet your expectation through our cleaning services. Every cleaner is fully aware of the strict security measures we enforce. Our all cleaners are fully versed in our health and safety policies.

We provide helpful and efficient Commercial Cleaning Services Sunshine Coast to all owners, tenants, and landlords in your local area. After using our assistance, tenants and property owners are assured of passing property inspections. Tenants, owners, and real estate agencies will benefit from having their house cleaned and keeping it in the best possible condition.

Our regular residential cleaning services include:

  • Cleaning kitchens and bathrooms,
  • vacuuming carpets and hardwood floors,
  • Wiping cabinets, furniture’s
  • Dusting and polishing furnishings,
  • Removing cobwebs,
  • wiping window sills and window ledges,
  • Emptying rubbish bins,
  • Cleaning refrigerators, ovens, and microwaves
  • Cleaning surfaces, tidying and much more.

10 House, Commercial Cleaning Sunshine Coast Facts, Did You Know?

As simple as cleaning may seem to you, it is associated with a lot of facts. Some you may know, while others you may have never heard about. Today we bring you the ten fascinating cleaning facts related to both house and commercial cleaning Sunshine Coast. After all, as your house cleaners & commercial cleaners, we are the ones who ensure your premises are sparkling clean. How can we not discuss cleaning facts?

  1. Did you know that not closing the toilet lid before flushing allows germs and bacteria to spread into the air and land on your toothbrush? Disgusting right? Always ensure that your toilet lid is closed at all times.
  2. Office desks are 300 times dirtier than toilet seats. It’s disappointing finding out how unsafe your desk is. But, with the help of commercial cleaners. You can say bye bye to all that dirt.
  3. Most cases of allergies are usually triggered when the individual is in their workplace. As a matter of fact, 60% of these reports claim that the allergy usually begins immediately they enter their offices. This shows how important office cleaning is.
  4. Doing thorough cleaning for two to three hours helps you burn 200 calories. That makes a good alternative for hitting the gym. If you want to lose some weight, why don’t you make cleaning a daily routine?
  5. Iceland is ranked as the number one cleanest country in the world.
  6. Did you know that you can use banana peels to clean your leather shoes and polishing silver? Next time you eat a banana, don’t throw away the peel.
  7. 80% of digestion-related diseases are caused by dirt and bacteria on kitchen sinks and surfaces. Hit us up and we won’t only do house cleaning but we will give you some helpful tips.
  8. The regular office phone contains up to 20,000 germs per square inch. Always clean your phone especially if you share it with other workers.
  9. 90% of office workers suffer from a contagious disease in their lifetime which they acquire in their work premises.
  10. At the bottom of the list, most people hesitate to call a cleaning company because their houses/offices are too much of a mess. However, that shouldn’t worry you because that’s our duty.

That was fun. Have you learned something that you didn’t know? Don’t forget to contact Sunshine Eco Cleaning Services for the professional house or commercial cleaning services.